28 Feb 2013

Dark Knight Rises - Movie Review

Only if Nolan had'nt done Inception, he could've done more justice to the ending of TDKR or in general the climax of the whole trilogy. Like Inception, TDKR should've ended leaving the movie-goers with some untied ends to ponder with in their minds - the absence of which forced many movie buffs to come up with far-fetched theories about the sanity of Alfred Pennyworth or how the Man of Steel swoop in to pull out Batman from radiation exposure or an IMF agent wearing a Christian Bale mask and so on.. (I'm sure that during the final restaurant scene, just when Alfred looked up and smiled, most of you expected the final credits to roll in. How awesome a climax would have been that!! And I think the only reason Nolan did'nt opt for it is simply because he has'nt finished deleting all those fan-mails about the Inception climax.)

The newly introduced characters fail to create the same emotional arch Bruce Wayne had with Rachel or even Harvey Dent. Though surprisingly Hatheway nailed her role with a gracious charm, her character Selina did'nt looked absolutely essential to the movie. Had more screen time been reserved for Miranda Tate, her romantic relation with Bruce could have been made more convincing, which definitely would have added a much needed punch in the final twist. And as far as the villain is concerned, never expected anyone to top Heath Ledger's Joker. Tom Hardy could feel a little disappointed that his acting talents were'nt completely exploited, albeit for a role which demanded more physically and less as an actor.

Also as a genuine soundtrack lover, I would humbly appeal to Mr.Nolan to put a leash on Hans Zimmer for future collaborations . The eardrum-busting percussions may have worked with the premise of Inception, but with TDKR, subtle touches from some one like James-Newton Howard were sorely missed through out.

                                                               Rating :

1 comment:

  1. With a time-limit that comes close to towering in at 3 hours, this flick could have easily dragged itself around aimlessly, only to cash-in on tying it all up in the end, but that’s not the case here. This is grade-A film-making right here, courtesy of Christopher Nolan and not only was it a great send-off to the trilogy he has made so loved by everybody out there in the world, but also a perfect way to show that he is grateful for each and every fan that has supported him throughout these years. Good review Sajin.
