In this ironically titled kitchen-sink drama, Deepa Mehta tries to uncover the plight of a Punjabi girl, Chand, who gets married abroad to an abusive husband and his unsympathetic family. Her new mother-in-law senses competition for her son's heart, wedging herself between the newly wed couple. While Chand makes desperate attempts to make her marriage work, her world alternately shifts between reality and fantasy, drawing comparisons to some old Indian folklore tales.
Whatever her intensions were, Deepa Mehta's critical look at domestic-abuse often looses the plot because of its tiresome and manipulative nature. Never is explained why a seemingly normal 21st century family cant welcome a bride into their home with some minimal compassion. Overall, it turned out to be just a deeply troubling viewing experience with out any real purpose or conclusion.
The only reason I had to give the movie a higher rating is the immaculate performance from its lead, Preity Zinta, who turned out to be a real class act. Without her solely carrying the movie on her shoulders, this movie would've turned into a total disaster. Zinta delivers the kind of performance that would've served her better justice in a better movie with a more promising premise.
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